It took me 50 years to figure out that I should be making knives. Early as a  Boy Scout and later as an  avid hiker, fisherman, and hunter, I always appreciated a good knife. But, in 2013, I stumbled across a television segment on Michigan bladesmith,  Michael Morris. Knowing my son and I share a love for the outdoors and quality equipment,  I ordered us both hunting knives for Christmas. When the knives arrived, the incredibly sharp blades and  precise  craftsmanship triggered a crazy thought, “I wonder if I could make one of these.” The idea persisted, which led me to  There I found a community of knife makers encouraging others to give knife making a try. I took the bait. By the winter of 2014, I bought my first set of knife making tools and now, three years later I have made and sold  over 150 knives.  The days spent in the shop are very good days: I am doing what God has designed me to do and it only took me a half of century to figure it out.  



My philosophy regarding knife craftsmanship and design is to make every knife as beautiful, functional and durable as humanly possible. I want to live out Colossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD, not for humans"